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Header Image: "Daydreaming," by Greg Westfall licensed by CC BY 2.0.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

This Post is Late. But It's About Living in the Moment and Making the Most of Today. So That's Okay, Right?

I'm a Dawdler.  I've always been a Dawdler.  I wish I could say it wasn't true, but there it is. 

I've never moved quickly, although sometimes I try to give the impression of moving quickly.  Deep down, though, I'm dragging my feet, daydreaming, considering, re-thinking, perfecting, reviewing, revising, analyzing, debating, doing more research, considering all the options.  Why don't I make a decision and move forward?  Because there's so much to do and see right here, where I am.  But I'll certainly give the suggestion some serious thought.

© Jodi L Hutchison | Dreamstime Stock Photos
But really, I agree.  This way that I am, this dawdling, is a problem.  I'm expect the way I approach life has something good about it.  No doubt someone out would benefit from doing more of what I do.  But for me, this is the tragedy of my life.  Time is not endlessly available.  It's precious, it's scarce and vital.  All this lolling around, this luxuriating in the passing of time, it's criminal.  Annie Dillard said, "Spend the afternoon.  You can't take it with you." 

That's what I want to do.  That's what I mean to do, every day.  But I don't, I don't do it.  It doesn't happen.  It feels like something that's beyond me.  Like I can't do it.  But I can learn to, can't I?  I must learn.  I intend to learn.

That's what this blog is about.  Making a decision every day, every minute, to spend this moment in a particular way, or on a particular project.  To spend it out, and use it up, not just let it tick past.  Because it will be gone anyway and I want to make the most of it; I don't want to waste any of it.